Absolutely! Content Management Systems allow you (the website owner) to control the content from the desktop computer in your office (or home, or even on your phone) without any coding skills whatsoever.
If you can use Microsoft Word you should be able to create new pages, add/edit/delete text and pictures within your own site.
Of course, we are always just a call or email away should you need any help or support but we are so confident in the ease of using this system that we're sure you'll find it a doddle!
Once your website is live we will invite you (or a nominated person(s)) in for training at our office. This training is tailored specifically to your website, designed to teach you how to manage your new website on your own by using the incredibly simple to use drag-drop interface that we build into all of our websites (including this one!).

More advanced systems let you create new menus and add newsletters, search boxes, private members areas and many other features.
Mushroom Internet have been developing content management system (CMS) powered websites for over 5 years, producing bespoke applications and developing websites using popular open source platforms such as Drupal, Joomla and WordPress!
The company has an in depth knowledge and understanding of the capabilities and scope of each package and are expertly positioned to advise which platform will suite your particular requirements.
Mushroom Internet’s bespoke extensions ensure your project can be delivered with the ultimate mix of bespoke application programming and a cost effective base platform to take care of the standard functionality you would expect. This will allow your project the flexibility to stay within your budget and achieve your objectives! We have a great reputation for proving easy to use content management systems for clients from our Gloucestershire offices.