The popular Innocent brand has often been one step ahead of its rivals, with solid well optimised content and fantastic imaginative graphics. As we progress into 2018 innocent are continuing the trend with some superb digital marketing campaigns that are gaining the attention of content marketing and website development teams around the globe.

Innocent started 2018 spurred on by the success of their sales over the past 2 years, with the brand turning 18 in 2017 and sales up by 23% the company are not resting on their laurels and are continue to evolve from a brand associated with smoothies to a major player in the healthy drinks sector.
Despite being acquired by soft drinks company Coca Cola in 2013 the brands cleverly thought out content marketing strategies use 'natural' content alongside an undertone that the drinks giant describes as 'speaking to people in a human way'. Innocent has been working on a new brand position strategy through the first quarter of 2018 to promote its strong stance on health and wellness. Innocent have also used their social media content to emphasise their interest in sustainability, the posts contain meaningful and often nature related content that provokes an emphatic reaction in the reader. All of the above further emphasises the brands connection with the greater good, rather than drawing the readers attention to the sugar tax etc which of course the brands core products will not be immune from.
"Innocent Drinks breaks £300 million annual sales barrier as taste for super-smoothies grow"

Overall Innocent are a great example of how a well managed social media content campaign can persuade the audience that the brand has positioned itself as a leader in the eco food and drink market. In truth few readers are aware that Innocent are owned by the Coca Cola partnership and their products are due to be penalised for their sugar consumption.
Our digital marketing teams and huge fans of the Innocent brand and its products and believe that their interest in being a more eco friendly organisation is a great step forward for what is now a globally recognised force.
The website development team at our Gloucestershire based offices have also praised the brands use of innovative concepts on their current website.