Website Development From Technical Experts in Gloucestershire
Brochure websites are effectively your company’s online brochure but whereas your physical store can only attract a very finite audience, your website can be accessed from all over the world.
An online brochure can save you a fortune in postage costs and providing instant information for your customers and potential clients. Brochure sites are styled to reflect your corporate branding and loaded with data and pictures about the services or products supplied, along with some information about your history /background and a contact method.
All of the websites that Mushroom Internet build are designed to be mobile responsive and coded to help with search engine optimisation. With over 10+ years experience in Website Development our Stroud based team are on hand to discuss your website build requirements.

The UK e-commerce market is said to be worth between £150 and £200 billion in 2016. It’s not just big hitter’s with deep pockets and huge TV marketing campaigns that make the numbers up, these sales are made up of thousands and thousands of small businesses selling to niche markets that are difficult to find off-line.
There are reports that suggest that the market is expanding rapidly as high street shops close in the economic down turn. Shop owners aren’t selling up all together they are simply dropping the expensive overheads, rates and staffing costs of a traditional shop and turning to an online business – same stock – same margins – lower overheads and a bigger profit.
Mushroom Internet create and run successful online shops, fulfilling orders, generating sales and using numerous online and offline advertising campaigns to maximise exposure and sales. With these shops growing from small “online only” operations to sole UK distributors and importers, which proves our track record beyond doubt. Mushroom Internet know the pitfalls of an online business and how to avoid them.
Global Retail Ecommerce Sales Will Reach $4.5 Trillion by 2021 *Source Statista

Of all online shops use WooCommerce to power their online business
Statistics provided by BuiltWith Trends at June 2017
E-commerce means simply trading on line. That might be just placing orders but can also mean taking payments online too. Online shops are usually pre written packages that have been fine tuned and developed into sophisticated packages that cover pretty much every application. MIL uses the two most recognised e commerce platforms available - Magento and WooCommerce for WordPress.
In its simplest form, a BUY NOW button can be added to a page that takes you to a third party payment gateway (like PayPal) where you buy the item over a secure connection on an external site.
Online shops have a basket system that allows the user to pick multiple items and multiple volumes, add them to a basket and then check-out though a secure gateway. There are a lot more features that come with a shopping cart – but that is the essence. See the shopping cart feature page.
Shopping carts can also be combined with a brochure website or with a CMS to create a hybrid that allows the owner to control virtually every aspect. Our in house website development team are able to discuss your website build project at every stage, we can arrange for you to visit our Stroud based offices to run through your website at any time.
Internet users access your website via your domain name. A domain name is a unique text name corresponding to the numeric IP address or location on the Internet (the address where your website is held on a server).
When you buy domain names they also need to be managed. Many people say they have bought a domain name for just a few pounds but have no idea where the domain is currently held or which server it’s pointing at (if any).
Domain management costs are charged at £1.34 /month. This includes transfers, re-pointing your DNS, (tag changes) and domain alerts to ensure you do not lose your name by missing renewals. It also includes the cost of raising the renewal invoice and provides a helpline should any problems occur.